Australian Councils Composting

Australian Councils Composting

Find Out if Your Council Composts

Industrial composting facilities are becoming increasingly available in Australia. Right now, there are:

  • 164 councils with FOGO. However, only 43 accept compostable packaging in their residential compost collections.
  • 83 councils with GO.
  • 1 council with FO.

Unfortunately, 313 councils don’t have access to any of the above organic bins.

Search for your council using the table below and find out if they offer Food Organics (FO), Garden Organics (GO) or Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) waste collection from your home. We’ve also marked which councils accept certified compostable packaging.

CouncilGarden Organics (GO)Food Organics (FO)Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO)Fibre-Based Compostable PackagingPLA Compostable Packaging
ACT Government✗  

A FOGO pilot is running in Belconnen, Bruce, Cook and Macquarie.

Currently, the NSW Environment Protection Authority does not accept certified compostable packaging in FOGO (Food Organics and Garden Organics).

CouncilGarden Organics (GO)Food Organics (FO)Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO)Fibre-Based Compostable PackagingPLA Compostable Packaging
Albury City Council
Armidale Regional Council
Ballina Shire Council
Balranald Shire Council
Bathurst Regional Council
Bayside Council
Bega Valley Shire Council
Bellingen Shire Council
Berrigan Shire Council
Blacktown City Council
Bland Shire Council
Blayney Shire Council
Blue Mountains City Council
Bogan Shire Council
Bourke Shire Council
Brewarrina Shire Council
Broken Hill City Council
Burwood Council
Byron Shire Council
Cabonne Council
Camden Council
Campbelltown City Council
Carrathool Shire Council
Central Coast Council
Central Darling Shire Council
Cessnock City Council

City of Canada Bay Council

City of Canterbury-Bankstown

City of Parramatta Council

City of Ryde

City of Sydney
City of Wagga Wagga
Clarence Valley Council
Cobar Shire Council
Coffs Harbour City Council
Coolamon Shire Council
Coonamble Shire Council
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Cowra Shire Council
Cumberland Council
Dubbo Regional Council
Dungog Shire Council
Edward River Council
Eurobodalla Shire Council
Fairfield City Council
Federation Council
Forbes Shire Council
Georges River Council
Gilgandra Shire Council
Glen Innes Severn Council
Goulburn Mulwaree Council
Greater Hume Council
Griffith City Council
Gunnedah Shire Council
Gwydir Shire Council
Hawkesbury City Council
Hay Shire Council
Hilltops Council
Hornsby Shire Council
Hunter’s Hill Council
Inner West Council
Inverell Shire Council
Junee Shire Council
Kempsey Shire Council
Kiama Municipal Council
Ku-ring-gai Council
Kyogle Council
Lachlan Shire Council
Lake Macquarie City Council
Lane Cove Council
Leeton Shire Council
Lismore City Council
Lithgow City Council
Liverpool City Council
Liverpool Plains Shire Council
Lockhart Shire Council
Maitland City Council
Mid Coast Council
Mid-Western Regional Council
Moree Plains Shire Council
Mosman Council
Murray River Council
Murrumbidgee Council
Muswellbrook Shire Council
Nambucca Shire Council

Narrabri Shire Council

Narrandera Shire Council

Narromine Shire Council

Newcastle City Council

North Sydney Council

Northern Beaches Council

Oberon Council

Orange City Council

Parkes Shire Council
Penrith City Council
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
Port Stephens Council
Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council
Randwick City Council
Richmond Valley Council
Shellharbour City Council
Shoalhaven City Council
Singleton Council
Snowy Monaro Regional Council
Snowy Valleys Council
Strathfield Council
Sutherland Shire Council
Tamworth Regional Council
Temora Shire Council
Tenterfield Shire Council
The Hills Shire Council
Tweed Shire Council
Upper Hunter Shire Council
Upper Lachlan Shire Council
Uralla Shire Council
Walcha Council
Walgett Shire Council
Warren Shire Council
Warrumbungle Shire Council
Waverley Council
Weddin Shire Council
Wentworth Shire Council
Willoughby City Council
Wingecarribee Shire Council
Wollondilly Shire Council
Wollongong City Council
Woollahra Municipal Council
Yass Valley Council

CouncilGarden Organics (GO)Food Organics (FO)Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO)Fibre-Based Compostable PackagingPLA Compostable Packaging
Aurukun Shire Council
Balonne Shire Council
Banana Shire Council
Barcaldine Regional Council
Barcoo Shire Council
Blackall-Tambo Regional Council
Boulia Shire Council
Brisbane City Council
Bulloo Shire Council
Bundaberg Regional Council
Burdekin Shire Council
Burke Shire Council
Cairns Regional Council
Carpentaria Shire Council
Cassowary Coast Regional Council
Central Highlands Regional Council
Charters Towers Regional Council
Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council
City of Gold Coast
Cloncurry Shire Council
Cook Shire Council
Croydon Shire Council
Diamantina Shire Council
Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council
Douglas Shire Council
Etheridge Shire Council
Flinders Shire Council
Fraser Coast Regional Council
Gladstone Regional Council
Goondiwindi Regional Council
Gympie Regional Council
Hinchinbrook Shire Council
Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council
Ipswich City Council
Isaac Regional Council
Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council
Livingstone Shire Council
Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council
Lockyer Valley Regional Council
Logan City Council
Longreach Regional Council
Mackay Regional Council
Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council
Maranoa Regional Council
Mareeba Shire Council
McKinlay Shire Council
Moreton Bay Regional Council
Mornington Shire Council
Mount Isa City Council
Murweh Shire Council
Napranum Aborignal Shire Council
Noosa Council
North Burnett Regional Council
Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council
Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council
Paroo Shire Council
Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council
Quilpie Shire Council
Redland City Council
Richmond Shire Council
Rockhampton Regional Council
Scenic Rim Regional Council
Somerset Regional Council
South Burnett Regional Council
Southern Downs Regional Council
Sunshine Coast Regional Council
Tablelands Regional Council
Toowoomba Regional Council
Torres Shire Council
Torres Strait Island Regional Council
Townsville City Council
Weipa Town
Western Downs Regional Council
Whitsunday Regional Council
Winton Shire Council
Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council
Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council
Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council

The SA government provides an online resource to help residents determine what belongs in each bin. However, since each Local Government Area (LGA) may have different rules, it’s best to contact your council directly or visit their website to confirm if they accept compostable packaging in their FOGO program.

CouncilGarden Organics (GO)Food Organics (FO)Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO)Fibre-Based Compostable PackagingPLA Compostable Packaging
Adelaide Hills Council
Adelaide Plains Council
Alexandrina Council
Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara
Barunga West Council
Berri Barmera Council
Campbelltown City Council
City of Adelaide
City of Burnside
City of Charles Sturt
City of Holdfast Bay
City of Marion
City of Mitcham
City of Norwood Payneham and St Peters✓ 
City of Onkaparinga
City of Port Lincoln
City of Playford✓ 
City of Port Adelaide Enfield✓ 
City of Prospect
City of Salisbury✓ 
City of Tea Tree Gully
City of Unley
City of Victor Harbor
City of West Torrens
City of Whyalla
Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council
Coorong District Council✗ 
District Council of Ceduna
District Council of Cleve✗ 
District Council of Coober Pedy✗ 
District Council of Copper Coast
District Council of Elliston
District Council of Franklin Harbour✗ 
District Council of Grant
District Council of Karoonda East Murray✗ 
District Council of Kimba✗ 
District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula
District Council of Mount Remarkable
District Council of Orroroo Carrieton✗ 
District Council of Peterborough
District Council of Robe
District Council of Streaky Bay
District Council of Tumby Bay
The Flinders Ranges Council
District Council of Yankalilla
Kangaroo Island Council
Kingston District Council
Light Regional Council✓ 
Maralinga Tjarutja
Mid Murray Council✗ 
Mount Barker District Council✓ 
Murraylands & Riverland Local Government Association✓ 
Naracoorte Lucindale Council
Northern Areas Council
Pastoral Unincorporated Area
Port Augusta City Council✓ 
Port Pirie Regional Council
Regional Council of Goyder
Renmark Paringa Council
Municipal Council of Roxby Downs
Southern Mallee District Council
Tatiara District Council✗ 
The Barossa Council✓ 
The Rural City of Murray Bridge
Town of Gawler
Town of Walkerville
Wakefield Regional Council✗ 
Uia Riverland
Uia Torrens Island
Uia Whyalla
Wattle Range Council
Wudinna District Council✗ 
Yorke Peninsula Council✗ 
CouncilGarden Organics (GO)Food Organics (GO)Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO)Fibre-Based Compostable PackagingPLA Compostable Packaging
Break O’Day Council
Brighton Council
Burnie City Council
Central Coast Council
Central Highlands Council
Circular Head Council
City of Hobart
City of Launceston
Clarence City Council
Derwent Valley Council
Devonport City Council
Dorset Council
Flinders Council
George Town Council
Glamorgan Spring Bay Council
Glenorchy City Council
Huon Valley Council
Kentish Council
King Island Council
Kingborough Council
Latrobe Council
Meander Valley Council
Northern Midlands Council
Sorell Council
Southern Midlands Council
Tasman Council
Waratah – Wynyard Council
West Coast Council
West Tamar Council

The WA government provides an online resource to help residents determine what belongs in each bin. However, since each Local Government Area (LGA) may have different rules, it’s best to contact your council directly or visit their website to confirm if they accept compostable packaging in their FOGO program.

CouncilGarden Organics (GO)Food Organics (FO)Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO)Fibre-Based Compostable PackagingPLA Compostable Packaging
City of Albany  
City of Armadale   
City of Bayswater  
City of Belmont   
City of Bunbury
City of Busselton   
City of Canning   
City of Cockburn   
City of Fremantle
City of Gosnells   
City of Greater Geraldton   
City of Joondalup   
City of Kalamunda   
City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder   
City of Karratha   
City of Kwinana   
City of Mandurah   
City of Melville
City of Nedlands   
City of Perth   
City of Rockingham   
City of South Perth   
City of Stirling   
City of Subiaco   
City of Swan   
City of Vincent   
City of Wanneroo
Shire of Ashburton   
Shire of Augusta-Margaret River
Shire of Beverley   
Shire of Boddington   
Shire of Boyup Brook   
Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes   
Shire of Brookton   
Shire of Broome   
Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup ✗   
Shire of Bruce Rock   
Shire of Capel✓ 
Shire of Carnamah   
Shire of Carnarvon   
Shire of Chapman Valley   
Shire of Chittering   
Shire of Christmas Island   
Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands   
Shire of Collie✓ 
Shire of Coolgardie ✗   
Shire of Coorow   
Shire of Corrigin   
Shire of Cranbrook   
Shire of Cuballing   
Shire of Cue   
Shire of Cunderdin   
Shire of Dalwallinu ✗   
Shire of Dandaragan   
Shire of Dardanup   
Shire of Denmark ✗   
Shire of Derby/West Kimberley   
Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup✓ 
Shire of Dowerin   
Shire of Dumbleyung   
Shire of Dundas ✗   
Shire of East Pilbara   
Shire of Esperance   
Shire of Exmouth ✗   
Shire of Gingin ✗   
Shire of Gnowangerup ✗   
Shire of Goomalling ✗   
Shire of Halls Creek ✗   
Shire of Harvey✓ 
Shire of Irwin ✗   
Shire of Jerramungup ✗   
Shire of Katanning ✗    
Shire of Kellerberrin ✗    
Shire of Kent ✗   
Shire of Kojonup ✗   
Shire of Kondinin ✗    
Shire of Koorda ✗    
Shire of Kulin ✗   
Shire of Lake Grace ✗   
Shire of Laverton ✗   
Shire of Leonora ✗    
Shire of Manjimup ✗    
Shire of Meekatharra ✗    
Shire of Menzies ✗   
Shire of Merredin ✗    
Shire of Mingenew ✗    
Shire of Moora ✗    
Shire of Morawa ✗   
Shire of Mount Magnet ✗   
Shire of Mt Marshall ✗   
Shire of Mukinbudin ✗    
Shire of Mundaring ✗    
Shire of Murchison ✗    
Shire of Murray ✗    
Shire of Nannup ✗    
Shire of Narembeen ✗    
Shire of Narrogin ✗   
Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku ✗    
Shire of Northam ✗   
Shire of Northampton ✗   
Shire of Nungarin ✗    
Shire of Peppermint Grove ✗    
Shire of Perenjori ✗    
Shire of Pingelly ✗    
Shire of Plantagenet ✗    
Shire of Quairading ✗    
Shire of Ravensthorpe ✗   
Shire of Sandstone ✗   
Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale ✗    
Shire of Shark Bay ✗    
Shire of Tammin ✗   
Shire of Three Springs ✗    
Shire of Toodyay ✗   
Shire of Trayning ✗   
Shire of Upper Gascoyne ✗   
Shire of Victoria Plains ✗   
Shire of Wagin  ✗    
Shire of Wandering ✗    
Shire of Waroona ✗   
Shire of West Arthur ✗   
Shire of Westonia ✗    
Shire of Wickepin ✗    
Shire of Williams ✗    
Shire of Wiluna ✗    
Shire of Wongan-Ballidu ✗    
Shire of Woodanilling ✗    
Shire of Wyalkatchem ✗    
Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley ✗   
Shire of Yalgoo ✗    
Shire of Yilgarn ✗    
Shire of York ✗   
Town of Bassendean   
Town of Cambridge  ✗   
Town of Claremont ✗    
Town of Cottesloe  
Town of East Fremantle✓ 
Town of Mosman Park ✗   
Town of Port Hedland    
Town of Victoria Park ✗   

Currently, the VIC Environment Protection Authority does not accept certified compostable packaging in FOGO (Food Organics and Garden Organics).

CouncilGarden Organics (GO)Food Organics (FO)Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO)Fibre-Based Compostable PackagingPLA Compostable Packaging
Alpine Shire Council
Ararat Rural City Council
Banyule City Council
Bass Coast Shire Council
Baw Baw Shire Council
Bayside City Council
Benalla Rural City
Boroondara City Council
Borough of Queenscliffe
Brimbank City Council
Buloke Shire Council
Campaspe Shire Council
Cardinia Shire Council
Central Goldfields Shire Council
City of Ballarat
City of Casey
City of Greater Bendigo
City of Greater Dandenong
City of Greater Geelong
City of Kingston 
City of Melbourne
Colac Otway Shire Council
Corangamite Shire Council
Darebin City Council
East Gippsland Shire Council
Frankston City Council
French-Elizabeth-Sandstone Islands (Uninc)
Gabo Island (Unincorporated)
Gannawarra Shire Council
Glen Eira City Council
Glenelg Shire Council
Golden Plains Shire Council
Greater Shepparton City Council
Hepburn Shire Council
Hindmarsh Shire Council
Hobsons Bay City Council
Horsham Rural City Council
Hume City Council
Indigo Shire Council
Knox City Council
Latrobe City Council
Loddon Shire Council
Macedon Ranges Shire Council
Manningham City Council
Mansfield Shire Council
Maribyrnong City Council
Maroondah City Council
Melton City Council
Mildura Rural City Council
Mitchell Shire Council
Moira Shire Council
Monash City Council
Moonee Valley City Council
Moorabool Shire Council
Moreland City Council
Mornington Peninsula Shire Council
Mount Alexander Shire Council
Moyne Shire Council
Mount Baw Baw Alpine Resort (Unincorporated)
Mount Buller Alpine Resort (Unincorporated)
Mount Hotham Alpine Resort (Unincorporated)
Mount Stirling Alpine Resort (Unincorporated)
Murrindindi Shire Council
Nillumbik Shire Council
Northern Grampians Shire Council
Port Phillip City Council
Pyrenees Shire Council
South Gippsland Shire Council
Southern Grampians Shire Council
Stonnington City Council
Surf Coast Shire Council
Swan Hill Rural City Council
Towong Shire Council
Wangaratta Rural City Council
Warrnambool City Council
Wellington Shire Council
West Wimmera Shire Council
Whitehorse City Council
Whittlesea City Council
Wodonga City Council
Wyndham City Council
Yarra City Council
Yarra Ranges Shire Council
Yarriambiack Shire Council

The information above is based on data from DCCEEW’s organic collection services interactive map, along with Compost Connect’s direct survey of councils with FOGO programs. This guide reflects data gathered between August 2023 and May 2024. For the most up-to-date information, it’s recommended to check directly with your local council to confirm which bins are provided in your area and what materials are accepted in each.

Be a Composting Champion

Learn how to compost at home and at your business, recognise compostable logos, sort your waste, and urge your council to take action.

What Can Be Composted?

A bin with garden waste overflowing out of it

Garden Waste

Weeds, lawn clipping, dead plants, branches, dead flowers, anything that has come from your garden. Make sure to check what your council accepts.

A close up of pile of organic waste, including fruits and vegetables, in landfill

Food Scraps

Banana peels, apple cores, potato skins, pizza crusts, old leftovers, bread, baked goods, coffee grinds, tea leaves, avocado pits, rice, pasta meat, bones. Make sure to check what your council accepts.

Two pieces of fibre-based compostable packaging, including a bowl and burger box

Fibre-Based Compostable Packaging

Food packaging takeaway containers made from sugarcane pulp or paper, such as pizza boxes, napkins and straws. Check that it’s not lined with plastic!

Two PLA plastic cups

PLA Compostable Packaging

Including PLA bioplastic cold clear cups, PLA bioplastic clear bowls and certified compostable coffee cups and lids. Make sure you look for the Certified Compostable Logo.

Why We All Need to Compost

Three icons outlining our mission. Icon one reads: divert food waste from landfill. Icon two reads: lift composting rates. Icon three reads: make a positive difference to the environment.

Divert Waste From Landfill

Instead of contributing to landfill, compost turns waste into a beneficial fertiliser.

an icon of a pile of waste with an arrow

Reduce Emissions

Organic waste in landfill generates methane, a greenhouse gas that’s 28 to 36 times more potent than CO2. By composting, we’re significantly reducing these emissions.

Compost Bag

Create a Natural Fertiliser

Because composting turns waste into nutrient-rich fertiliser, we can reduce or eliminate the need for chemical fertilisers and improve soil health.

Adelaide: A Composting Success Story


Take Action if Your Council is Not Composting

The National Waste Policy Action Plan has created a target to halve organics from landfills by 2030 and states and territories have agreed to introduce Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) collection services to all households and businesses by the end of 2023.


Initially this sounds great, but this is just a suggestion, not a mandate. It’s up to individual councils to put an organics collection program in place.


We know it’s frustrating if your council currently doesn’t offer composting, but there are a few things you can do to take action.


  • Sign this petition saying you would like your council to start composting.
  • Send an email directly to local MP, here’s a template you can use.
  • Share this page with everyone you know and help us get every single council in Australia to start composting now!

Has Compostable Packaging Been Banned in NSW FOGO?

In July 2022, the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) released a Position Statement on acceptable inputs for residential Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO). Unfortunately, compostable packaging did not fall into these acceptable inputs – they’re only allowing food waste, compostable bin liners and garden organics.

So, why the ban? There are rising concerns over PFAS contamination (or “forever chemicals”) in packaging. There’s also a growing number of non-compostable items that claim they’re ‘compostable’ entering the waste stream and contaminating compost.

We hope that with more education, evolving materials and products being held accountable to certified compostable standards we can see this legislation change.

Some sustainable packaging companies are moving quickly to completely phase out PFAS in production and are working with NSW EPA to allow compostable packaging in FOGO bins.

While you’re patiently waiting for change to happen, you can send an email to your local MP and sign our petition.

Compost Connect is Backed by the Australian Government

Stay Informed

If you want to further support this campaign, read these inspiring articles on how other councils have introduced composting and what the government is doing.

Adelaide: Leading the Composting Charge


What are the different types of composting


What Governments in Australia Are Doing to Support Composting


WOMAdelaide: A Composting Success Story

Read More >