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Let’s champion composting! Sign the petition now.

Let’s champion composting! Sign the petition now.
Composting for Climate logo over a photo of a seedling

We’re calling for better access to composting information, more investment in composting infrastructure, and initiatives to encourage composting. Urge your councils to champion composting and help combat climate change.

The majority of Australians are concerned about climate change, and composting our waste is a powerful way to reduce our environmental impact. Many Australians want to dispose of their packaging responsibly, but confusion around compostable packaging, composting logos, and a lack of council support make this difficult.

We believe our councils can do more to promote and support composting efforts.

Sign this petition if you think your council should:

  • Implement Food Organics & Garden Organics (FOGO) waste collections for both residents and businesses where not already available
  • Provide clear guidance on the correct disposal of recyclable and compostable items, such as bin stickers and info packs
  • Offer better access to home composting resources and solutions
  • Invest in industrial composting infrastructure
  • Launch initiatives that encourage and facilitate composting in the community

Together, we can reduce our impact on climate change through responsible waste management. Let’s push our councils to step up and lead the way!

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