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Our Story

Our Story

Our reason for being

At Compost Connect, we recognise that reducing food waste is one of the most important strategies to combatting global warming, and together we have the opportunity to divert both food and packaging waste from landfill. Did you know that conventional packaging contaminated by food scraps, can’t be recycled? That’s right, every coffee, burger, sandwich or salad enjoyed in conventional single-use-packaging, is likely to simply end up in landfill. 

Food production and waste accounts for 26% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and once in landfill emits methane, a greenhouse gas 26 times more harmful than CO2. With 18% of food purchased by the UK hospitality and food service sector being thrown away, and just 10% of waste being recycled in the UK, it was clear that we needed a local solution for organic waste. 

By connecting packaging and food service businesses with the organic waste industry, Compost Connect is helping to grow access to organic recycling and instigate widespread change. We can make a global impact, all by making changes at the local level.

Our mission is simple:

Divert food & packaging waste from landfill

Recycling Lift

Increase accessible compost facilities 

compost pile

Make a positive difference to the environment

Waste less, compost more

Compost Connect is an innovative composting solution, serving the food service sector. We are founded on the simple concept that all single-use packaging and food waste should have an end-of-life solution that nurtures our only home, the planet. 

Organic waste recycling, such as industrial composting and anaerobic digestion, is a huge opportunity to divert and recover organic waste from landfill – creating a valuable resource, compost and bio-energy, instead of leaving it to waste.

Organic waste includes garden waste, food scraps and some plant-based products like compostable packaging. By connecting businesses that produce food waste with the organic waste industry, Compost Connect is building the links and commercial partnerships to build a truly circular economy. 

Food Waste
Compost Bag

Circular solutions

Compostable packaging is the ideal solution for the foodservice industry where food residues impact packaging’s recyclability in curbside recycling. Compostable packaging is a proven, cost-effective solution that enables the recovery and recycling of food and packaging waste generated by the foodservice industry, and leads to a cleaner recycling stream for conventional recyclable materials.

The challenge is building the necessary infrastructure and promoting the partnerships that will form the foundation of this industry. Only through the collaboration of industry and consumers can we transform compostable materials from a niche initiative to a core pillar of a circular and sustainable economy.

Together for a greener tomorrow

Become part of our vision, get connected, and start composting today. 

Our partners in the organic recycling industry are: