Success Stories

Forest Green Rovers Football Club

Team Compost Connect, 14 April 2022
Forest Green Rovers Football Club


As a result of compostable packaging supplier, BioPak confirming a landmark deal with Forest Green Rovers (FGR), Compost Connect has also gained its newest compost club member. 

BioPak’s new deal with the Forest Green Rovers will see the club replace their single-use plastic packaging with plant-based alternatives supplied by BioPak. Through Compost Connect, the club will be connected with an industrial composter to ensure their organic waste and compostable packaging is transported to an industrial composting facility nearby, to then be turned into nutrient soil.


By working together, the new partnership is expected to:

  • avoid approximately 1 tonne of plastic a year;
  • reduce FGR’s carbon emissions by nearly 19,000 kg, which is enough to power 2,000 UK homes;
  • make enough compost to fill approximately 100 10kg bags.

FGR is currently in the planning stages of building a state-of-the-art Eco Park which will be constructed entirely from wood that will seat up to 5,000 fans and will lie in landscaped parkland.

The football club has also been recognised for their many sustainable initiatives, including the installation of an organic pitch, a solar-powered ‘mow-bot’, captured rainwater for pitch irrigation, supplying 100% vegan food and even recommending sustainable travel for visitors.

Through this partnership, BioPak’s innovative, award-winning packaging and composting initiative continues to disrupt the single-use plastic sector, especially within the sporting world.


The launch of Compost Connect in 2021 broadens BioPak’s work and movement for a circular economy, diverting food and waste packaging from landfill and increasing the accessibility of compost facilities to businesses and individuals.


We hope to one day see compostable packaging and a composting plan implemented in all sports stadiums across the globe. Share this with your favourite sports team and show them that anyone can achieve a zero-waste club.

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